1. Methuselah - he is bearded, bent with age, riding a cart
looking preoccupied with toasting some grains of sand in a pan over a fire.
This is a reminder that all that glitters will end up as dust like what he is
2. Reyna Banderada - a young lady dressed in a long red gown
carrying a yellow triangular flag. She represents the coming of Christianity.
3. Aetas - represent the state of the country before the
coming of Christianity. These are the unconverted Filipino pagans.
4. Reyna Mora - represents the dominant religion before
Christianity (feminine of Moro from the Moslem religion).
5. Reyna Fe - symbolizes the virtue of faith - the first of
the theological virtues. She carries a cross.
6. Reyna Esperanza - symbolizes the virtue of hope - the
second theological virtue. She carries an anchor.
7. Reyna Caridad - symbolizes the virtue of charity - the
third theological virtue. She carries a red heart.
8. Reyna Abogada - the defender of the poor and the
oppressed. She wears a black graduation cap (toga) and gown and she carries a
big book.
9. Reyna Sentenciada - has her slim hands bound by a rope.
She is the symbol of the innocents who have been convicted. She is accompanied
by two Roman soldiers.
10. Reyna Justicia - a personification of the "mirror
of justice". She carries a weighing scale and a sword.
11. Reyna Judith - representing Judith of Pethulia who saved
her city from the Assyrians after she beheaded the cruel holoferns. She carries
the head of the beheaded man on one hand and a sword on the other.
12. Reyna Sheba - who visited the famed King Solomon and was
overwhelmed by his wisdom, power and richess. She carries a jewelry box.
13. Reyna Esther - the biblical Jewish who spared her
countrymen from death and destruction through timely intervention with the King
Xerxes. She carries a scepter.
14. Samaritana - the woman who Christ spoke to at the well.
She carries a jug on her shoulder.
15. Veronica - the woman who wiped the face of Jesus. She
carries a bandana imprinted with the three faces of Jesus.
16. Tres Marias: Mary of Magdala - she carries a bottle of
perfume; Mary, Mother of Christ - she carries a handkerchief; Mary, mother of
James - she carries a bottle of oil.
17. Marian - celebrating the many titles of the Virgin Mary.
a. A-v-e--M-a-r-i-a
-- represented by eight (8) girls all Wearing long white dressess with wings to
make them look like angels. Each one carries a letter to complete the word
b. Divina pastora (Divine Shepherdess) - she carries a
shepherdess' staff.
c. Reyna de las Estrellas (Queen of Stars) - she carries a
wand with a star.
d. Rosa Mystica - she carries a bouquet of roses.
e. Reyna Paz (queen of peace) - she carries the symbol of
f. Reyna de las Propetas - she carries a hour glass.
g. Reyna del Cielo (Queen of Heaven) she carries a flower.
She has two (2) angels.
h. Reyna de las Virgines - she carries a rosary and is
surrounded by two (2) little angels.
i. Reyna de las Flores (Queen of Flowers) - she carries a
bouquet of flowers.
18. Reyna Elena (Queen Helena) - the legendary founder of
the true Cross, represented by the small cross she carries. She is escorted by
her son, Constantine.