Every month of May, almost every town in the Philippines are having parade of beauties known as Santacruzan.
Santacruzan is a religious-historical parade of beauties depicting the search of the Holy Cross by Queen Helena (Reyna Elena) and her son, Constantine the Great. After the Holy Cross was found in Jerusalem and brought back to Rome, there was a celebration for thanksgiving. A novena in honor of the Holy Cross comes before the Santacruzan. This tradition was introduced by the Spaniards and now held every month of May. Many TV personalities and beauty queens joins the line-up of beauties.
1. Methuselah - he is bearded, bent with age, riding a cart
looking preoccupied with toasting some grains of sand in a pan over a fire.
This is a reminder that all that glitters will end up as dust like what he is
2. Reyna Banderada - a young lady dressed in a long red gown
carrying a yellow triangular flag. She represents the coming of Christianity.
3. Aetas - represent the state of the country before the
coming of Christianity. These are the unconverted Filipino pagans.
4. Reyna Mora - represents the dominant religion before
Christianity (feminine of Moro from the Moslem religion).
5. Reyna Fe - symbolizes the virtue of faith - the first of
the theological virtues. She carries a cross.
6. Reyna Esperanza - symbolizes the virtue of hope - the
second theological virtue. She carries an anchor.
7. Reyna Caridad - symbolizes the virtue of charity - the
third theological virtue. She carries a red heart.
8. Reyna Abogada - the defender of the poor and the
oppressed. She wears a black graduation cap (toga) and gown and she carries a
big book.
9. Reyna Sentenciada - has her slim hands bound by a rope.
She is the symbol of the innocents who have been convicted. She is accompanied
by two Roman soldiers.
10. Reyna Justicia - a personification of the "mirror
of justice". She carries a weighing scale and a sword.
11. Reyna Judith - representing Judith of Pethulia who saved
her city from the Assyrians after she beheaded the cruel holoferns. She carries
the head of the beheaded man on one hand and a sword on the other.
12. Reyna Sheba - who visited the famed King Solomon and was
overwhelmed by his wisdom, power and richess. She carries a jewelry box.
13. Reyna Esther - the biblical Jewish who spared her
countrymen from death and destruction through timely intervention with the King
Xerxes. She carries a scepter.
14. Samaritana - the woman who Christ spoke to at the well.
She carries a jug on her shoulder.
15. Veronica - the woman who wiped the face of Jesus. She
carries a bandana imprinted with the three faces of Jesus.
16. Tres Marias: Mary of Magdala - she carries a bottle of
perfume; Mary, Mother of Christ - she carries a handkerchief; Mary, mother of
James - she carries a bottle of oil.
17. Marian - celebrating the many titles of the Virgin Mary.
a. A-v-e--M-a-r-i-a
-- represented by eight (8) girls all Wearing long white dressess with wings to
make them look like angels. Each one carries a letter to complete the word
b. Divina pastora (Divine Shepherdess) - she carries a
shepherdess' staff.
c. Reyna de las Estrellas (Queen of Stars) - she carries a
wand with a star.
d. Rosa Mystica - she carries a bouquet of roses.
e. Reyna Paz (queen of peace) - she carries the symbol of
f. Reyna de las Propetas - she carries a hour glass.
g. Reyna del Cielo (Queen of Heaven) she carries a flower.
She has two (2) angels.
h. Reyna de las Virgines - she carries a rosary and is
surrounded by two (2) little angels.
i. Reyna de las Flores (Queen of Flowers) - she carries a
bouquet of flowers.
18. Reyna Elena (Queen Helena) - the legendary founder of
the true Cross, represented by the small cross she carries. She is escorted by
her son, Constantine.
The procession is accompanied by a band or choir singing the "Dios te Salve". I hope that this traditional Santacruzan may continue to practice in every town at hindi yung puro sagala lang.
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